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Revolutionary Left Radio

Jul 28, 2018

John from Working Class History joins Brett to discuss the Spanish Civil War! This is a long-anticipated episode on a deeply important and relevant historical event. We spent a LOT of time editing and producing this episode, so we hope you find it informative as well as genuinely moving. 

Follow Working Class History on all the major social media sites!

Here is the reading guide from WCH on the Spanish Civil War:
Their Spanish Civil War merch store is here:
Their website is here:
Their podcast is here:

Outro Songs: Bitter Old Man and Your Heart is a Muscle the size of your Fist; both songs by Ramshackle Glory! Go support their music here:

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Intro Music by The String-Bo String Duo.
You can listen and support their music here:

This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, and the Omaha GDC.

Check out Nebraska IWW's new website here: