Jan 9, 2018
Dj Zhao's soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/djzhao
Dj Zhao's Website: https://ngomasound.com/
Follow DJ Zhao on FB: https://www.facebook.com/zhao.ngoma/
The DJ mix of lefist music we discussed in the episode can be found here: https://www.mixcloud.com/djzhao/dance-dance-revolution/
For people who might want to read more on these and related topics: https://medium.com/@leohezhao
Music on the show in order of appearance:
Guem & Zaka - Gia from the album Giants of Percussion
DJ Dikota - Pitori Streets
konono nº1 - Paridiso http://www.konono.net
Les Tambours de Brazza - Brazza https://www.facebook.com/JEBiayenda/
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and follow us on Twitter @RevLeftRadio
Follow us on FB at "Revolutionary Left Radio"
Intro Music by The String-Bo String Duo. You can listen and support their music here: https://tsbsd.bandcamp.com/track/red-black
This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left
Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, and the Omaha GDC.
Check out Nebraska IWW's new website here: https://www.nebraskaiww.org