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Revolutionary Left Radio

Sep 25, 2017

Content Warning: Descriptions of violence and sexual assault. Please be advised.

NSA Disclaimer: Revolutionary Left Radio does not advocate the use of political terrorism, the initiation of violence, or the breaking of any laws. This is a scholarly, journalistic approach to the theory and history of the FAI, not advocacy of them or their methodology.

Dr. Bones is an Egoist-Communist, Conjurer, Occultist, and Gonzo Journalist who writes for The Conjure House and Gods and Radicals. 

Brett sits down with Dr. Bones to discuss the FAI (the Informal Anarchist Federation). 

Topics Include: Political terrorism, Propaganda of the Deed, Antifa, the history of insurrectionary anarchism, Red Brigades, Nihilism, Cell Structure, and much more.


Our Outro Music is "Red and Black" by The String-Bo String Duo which you can find here:  

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