Oct 26, 2018
Existential Comics (aka Corey Mohler) joins Brett to discuss the philosophy, politics, and historical context of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Together they investigate the contradictions between Marxism and Existentialism and discuss the public dispute that ended Camus and Sartre's friendship.
Find and Support Existential Comics here: https://www.patreon.com/ExistentialComics
Follow Existential Comics on Twitter @ExistentialComs
here: https://twitter.com/existentialcoms
Outro Song: "Emptiness pt. 2" by Mount Eerie
Listen to and support Mount Eerie here: https://pwelverumandsun.bandcamp.com/album/a-crow-looked-at-me
As well as here: http://www.pwelverumandsun.com
Intro music by Captain Planet. You can find and support his
wonderful music here: https://djcaptainplanet.bandcamp.com
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Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, Socialist Rifle Association (SRA),
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