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Revolutionary Left Radio

Aug 21, 2017

This is our first ever debate on the show: Egoism vs. Marxism featuring Comrade Dr. Bones on the Egoist side, and Comrade Phil on the Marxist side, with Comrade Brendan playing the role of fact-checker and neutral observer/questioner.


This is an experiment; we have never done a debate show before, so we did our best. PLEASE let us know if this is something we should do more of in the future, or if you think these debates are ultimately unhelpful. We really appreciate any and all feedback.


Thanks to everyone who participated in this episode. Go check out Dr. Bones on Twitter @Ole_Bonesy and check out The Conjure House for his writings. 


This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left Coalition and The Omaha GDC.


Outro Song: Revolutionary Left Radio Theme Song by David G. (Our sound engineer).