Jan 20, 2019
Mel joins Breht in-studio to discuss drugs, addiction, trauma,
and mental illness and their connections to the social conditions
which capitalism manifests and imposes upon us.
Topics discussed include childhood trauma, pharmaceutical companies
profiting off of addiction epidemics, the family unit under
capitalism, the limitations and failures of AA, Left organizing
around the issues of addiction, the necessary politicization of
mental illness, alienation, the complicated emotional landscape of
addiction in the family, the power of community, evolving as
social/communal animals, and much more!
Contact our guest Mel on Twitter @ColdBrewedTool
Outro Song: "Life is Ill" by sole, you can find and support his
music here: https://sole.bandcamp.com/track/life-is-ill
You can listen to sole's podcast, Solecast, here: https://www.soleone.org
Our logo was made by BARB, a communist graphic design collective! You can find them on twitter or insta @Barbaradical. Please reach out to them if you are in need of any graphic design work for your leftist projects!
Intro music by Captain Planet. You can find and support his wonderful music here: https://djcaptainplanet.bandcamp.com
Rev Left Spin-Off Shows:
Black Banner Magic (exploring the Weird Left and
the Occult from an Anarchist
perspective): https://www.patreon.com/blackbannermagic
Hammer and Camera (The communist Siskel and
Ebert): https://www.patreon.com/hammercamera
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This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left
Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, Socialist Rifle Association (SRA),
Feed The People - Omaha, and the Marxist Center.
Join the SRA here: https://www.socialistra.org/