Feb 12, 2020
Jon (from Horror Vanguard) and Brenden (from Marxism and
Moshpits) return to the show; this time to discuss the life and
political theory of the famous Italian Communist Antonio
Find Jon's show (@HorrorVanguard) here: https://www.patreon.com/horrorvanguard
Check out Brenden's punk band No Thanks here: https://no-thanks.bandcamp.com/
Outro music 'To the Fellow Travellers' by Brzowski
Bandcamp: https://brzowskimusic.bandcamp.com
Latest album: https://ffm.to/blooddrivevol4
Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J-cduFlGBY&feature=emb_title
Social media: @BRZOWSKImusic
LEARN MORE ABOUT REV LEFT RADIO: www.revolutionaryleftradio.com
SUPPORT REV LEFT RADIO: www.patreon.com/revleftradio
Our logo was made by BARB, a communist graphic design collective: @Barbaradical
Intro music by DJ Captain Planet.
This podcast is affiliated with: The Nebraska Left Coalition, Omaha
Tenants United, FORGE, Socialist Rifle Association (SRA), Feed The
People - Omaha, and the Marxist Center.