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Revolutionary Left Radio

Jan 26, 2018

 Victoria Law, who is familiarly known as Vikki, is an anarchist activist, writer, freelance editor, photographer and mother. Law is of Chinese descent and was born and raised in Queens NY where she had her first brush with the law as an armed robber while still in high school. Her exposure to incarcerated people at Rikers Island prompted her to get involved with prison support. She has continued fighting for prison abolition, co-founding Books Through Bars NYC as a joint project between Blackout Books & Nightcrawlers Anarchist Black Cross in 1996 at the age of nineteen. 


Nestor is a member of the Anarchist Black Cross and founder of the Omaha Freedom Fund. He organizes around many issues, but with a focus on prison abolition and antifascism. 

Both guests join Brett in a two-part episode on different aspects of the prison abolitionist movment. 


Find, Support, and contact Victoria Law through her website here:

follow her on twitter @LVikkiml

Learn more about, and support, the Anarchist Black Cross Federation here:

Follow the Omaha Freedom Fund on Twitter @Omahabail

Link to support and engage in prison abolitionist work with “Black and Pink” here:


Transition Music by Church Fire - on my tongue

Outro Music: Bob Dylan All Along the Watchtower


follow us on Twitter @RevLeftRadio 

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Intro Music by The String-Bo String Duo. You can listen and support their music here:

This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, and the Omaha GDC.

Check out Nebraska IWW's new website here: