Jul 28, 2022
Comrade Garlic joins the Show to discuss Kevin Rashid Johnson's cancer diagnosis and struggle for adequate care within the brutal carceral system, a lack of medical care as a weapon against political prisoners, updates on the RIBPP and its mass org, serving the people, compassionate release, and more.
Red Voice: The Voices of the People: https://redvoice.news/
RIBPP Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ribpp
Free Shawn "Flip" Joyner: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/free-shawn-flip-joyner
Instagram @'s:
- @intercommunalbpp
- @pathersolidarityorganization
- @garlicjunior
Outro music: "This Time We Get it Right" by Comrade Garlic
Listen to more here: www.soundcloud.com/comradegarlic
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