Oct 16, 2017
Gregory Afinogenov received his PhD in
History from Harvard University, and is now an assistant professor
in Imperial Russian History at Georgetown University.
Greg sits down with Brett to discuss the October Revolution and the
Soviet Union.
Topics Include: Joseph Stalin, The Bolsheviks, The failures and
fallacies of western liberal propaganda, the Cold War, the Space
Race, George Orwell, Trotsky v. Stalin, Holodomor, The successes of
the Soviet Union, what leftists of all stripes can learn from the
Russian Rev, and much more!
Follow Greg on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/athenogenes
Outro music: The Harvest by No Thanks off the album "The Trial". No Thanks is a local Omaha band and good friends of the show! David, the sound guy for Rev Left Radio, actually recorded the album in the same studio out of which we do the show! Check them out here: https://no-thanks.bandcamp.com
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Theme song by The String-Bo String Duo which you can find here: https://tsbsd.bandcamp.com/album/smash-the-state-distribute-bread