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Revolutionary Left Radio

Oct 30, 2017

Halloween Special: The Revolutionary Left Radio's Film Vanguard applies Marxist film analysis to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974).

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Oct 23, 2017

Brendan Leahy is a local organizer and revolutionary thinker. He was featured on our Ideology Episode a few months back. 


He sits down with Brett to discuss Marxism and Neo-Marxism.


Topics include: Key neo-Marxist figures, Eco-Socialism, misunderstandings of Marxism, Friedrich Engels, Dual Power, Jenny Marx,...

Oct 16, 2017

 Gregory Afinogenov received his PhD in History from Harvard University, and is now an assistant professor in Imperial Russian History at Georgetown University. 

Greg sits down with Brett to discuss the October Revolution and the Soviet Union.

Topics Include: Joseph Stalin, The Bolsheviks, The failures and fallacies...

Oct 12, 2017

Zoe Samudzi is a black feminist writer whose work has appeared in a number of spaces including The New Inquiry, Warscapes, Truthout, ROAR MagazineTeen Vogue, BGDBitch Media, and Verso, among others. She is also a member of the 2017/18 Public Imagination cohort of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA)...

Oct 10, 2017

Brett travels to Denver to meet Sole from the Solecast IRL and have a discussion in Sole's home together.


Topics include: their Podcasts and why they started, being a leftist parent, hip hop, the responsibilities of white rappers, the differences between organizing in Omaha vs. Denver, gentrification, what different...