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Revolutionary Left Radio

Sep 27, 2023

EARLY RELEASE: Jared from Millennials are Killing Capitalism podcast invited Breht on to talk about Friedrich Engels' draft to the Communist Manifesto entitled Principles of Communism

Together, they discuss the document, highlight and explain its theoretical substance, and have a wide-ranging discussion...

Sep 25, 2023

In this outstanding episode of Guerrilla History, we bring on Jon Melrod to discuss his new book Fighting Times: Organizing on the Front Lines of the Class War (use code FIGHTING to get 40% off)!  In this episode, we discuss the life and times of Jon, who in many ways is a real working class hero.  We talk about his...

Sep 19, 2023

Teddy Ostrow and Maximillian Alvarez from The Real News Network join Breht to discuss the recent "stand up" strike launched by the United Auto Workers labor union. Teddy and Max discuss the strike, explain the causes of the strike and the demands of the workers, the UAW union president Shawn Fain and the democratic...

Sep 18, 2023

William Chaney returns to the show, this time to discuss macro economics, criticize neoclassical economics from a marxist perspective, The Center for Popular Economics, how economics attempts to naturalize capitalism, neoliberalism as applied libertarianism, and much more! 

Check out the Center for Popular Economics

Sep 12, 2023

On the 50th anniversay of the US-backed fascist coup in Chile, we are re-uploading our classic episode on the topic! 


Professor of History at ASU, Alex AviƱa, returns to RLR to discuss the Chilean coup of 1973.

Intro Music: Isle of Man by Feudalism 

Outro Music: Monsters by...