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Revolutionary Left Radio

Feb 26, 2018

Black Rose Anarchist Federation is an organization of active revolutionaries who share common visions of a new world – a world where people collectively control their own workplaces, communities and land and where all basic needs are met. We are Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra...

Feb 19, 2018

Scott Crow is an American anarchist organizer, speaker and writer. A longtime activist, he is an advocate for the philosophies and politics of anarchism. In addition to a number of other groups, Crow is a co-founder of Common Ground Collective or Common Ground Relief, an anarchist organization formed in the aftermath of...

Feb 19, 2018

Shane Burley is a writer and filmmaker based in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It(AK Press). His work as appeared in places such as Jacobin, AlterNet, In These Times, Political Research Associates, Waging Nonviolence, Labor Notes, ThinkProgress, ROAR Magazine and Upping...

Feb 14, 2018

Jodi Dean is an American political philosopher and professor in the Political Science department at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York state. She has also held the position of Erasmus Professor of the Humanities in the Faculty of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Dean received her B.A. in History...

Feb 12, 2018

Wes Alwan is one fourth of The Partially Examined Life, a podcast and blog dedicated to studying and teaching philosophy. Wes is a writer and researcher living in Boston who studied ancient philosophy, Kant and Nietzsche in graduate school. 

Wes joins Brett to discuss the political relevance of the famous 19th century...