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Revolutionary Left Radio

Jul 31, 2022

Matthew Segall is Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He joins Breht to discuss the philosophical movement known as German Idealism, its major figures, its historical context, its legacy, and its continued relevance.

Jul 29, 2022

Listen to the entire interview with Prof. Richard Wolff by subscribing to Guerrilla History on your preferred podcast app -- or find it here:

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Jul 28, 2022

Comrade Garlic joins the Show to discuss Kevin Rashid Johnson's cancer diagnosis and struggle for adequate care within the brutal carceral system, a lack of medical care as a weapon against political prisoners, updates on the RIBPP and its mass org, serving the people, compassionate release, and more.

Red Voice: The...

Jul 27, 2022

Mat Callahan joins the show to discuss his recent project "Songs of Slavery and Emancipation" - a book, an album, and a documentary - wherein he and his team searched for, found, and recreated both old slave resistance songs as well as old abolitionist songs. In this interview, Mat discusses this project and the songs...

Jul 17, 2022

Lauritz Marquardt (aka Conscious Development on YT) returns to the show to discuss meditation, Buddhist practice, offer tips and advice, and much more.

Find Lauritz's YT channel here:

Find his website here:

Our previous episode w/ Lauritz: