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Revolutionary Left Radio

Dec 5, 2024

Breht gently and lovingly gives his unique and nuanced perspective on the murder of the CEO of Healthcare United. 

Outro Song: To Cause Your Own Death by Mon Rovia

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Apr 20, 2023

Tai Lee joins Breht to discuss the recent split from AF3IRM, radical feminism, critique as a form of solidarity, the necessity of struggle within organizations, sexual harrassment and abuse in the labor movement, liberal opportunism, the targeting and intimidation of women who speak up, how to prevent abuse and...

May 23, 2022

Jesi Taylor joins Breht to discuss waste management, how the racialized, colonial and imperialist world order dictates where certain kinds of trash ends up, the impact of landfills on communities, the hyper-localism of recyclying and its effectiveness, the fear of microplastics, and more!

Find Jesi on twitter:

Mar 4, 2022

Members of Brooklyn Eviction Defense (BED) join Breht to discuss their organizing, housing justice, slumlords, the pandemic and moritoriums, what housing could look like under socialism, their confrontations with the paid muscle of landlords, the Eric Adams administration, stoop watches, and much, much more.

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Feb 19, 2022

On this episode of Red Menace, Alyson is joined by Rey and Esperanza to analyze transgender identity, struggle, and liberation through a principled Marxist feminist and dialectical materialist lens. Rey also talks at length about how these issues and struggles manifest within the Philippines, historically and...