Apr 9, 2019
Greg from "In The Roots" podcast joins Breht to do a introductory examination of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
In The Roots podcast can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/intheroots
and here: https://m.soundcloud.com/intherootspod
You can follow Greg on Twitter @_therealgreg_
Outro Music: The IMF by Black Wizard
Our logo was made by BARB, a communist graphic design collective! You can find them on twitter or insta @Barbaradical.
Intro music by Captain Planet. Find and support his music here: https://djcaptainplanet.bandcamp.com
Rev Left Spin-Off Shows:
Red Menace (hosted by Breht and Alyson
Twitter: @Red_Menace_Pod
Audio: http://redmenace.libsyn.com
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKdxX5eqQyk&t=144s
Black Banner Magic (Season 2 coming soon)
Twitter: @blackbannerpod
Hammer and Camera (The communist Siskel and Ebert):
Twitter: @HammerCamera
Other Members of the Rev Left Radio Federation include:
Coffee With Comrades: https://www.patreon.com/coffeewithcomrades
Left Page: https://www.patreon.com/leftpage
Little Red School House: http://littleredschoolhouse.libsyn.com
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This podcast is officially affiliated with The Nebraska Left
Coalition, the Nebraska IWW, Socialist Rifle Association (SRA),
Feed The People - Omaha, and the Marxist Center.
Join the SRA here: https://www.socialistra.org/